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Sister Anne – show synopsis

the mighty defender of goodness

It’s like Batman meets the excorsist…   only FUNNY! - opening line from our network pitch -

Sister Anne® -mighty defender of goodness – is a 500 pound nun who has been specially trained by the TRUE CHURCH to sense sin and fight it. In the universe of Sister Anne, sins are actual demons that beset humanity, torture them and devour their souls. Although they are imperceptible to most people, through secret Jesuit techniques Sister Anne has heightened each of her faculties to the point where she can sense sin in every way! She can HEAR it, SEE it, FEEL it, SMELL it and god help her she can even TASTE it! And in her loving goodness and desire to help mankind she beats the sin out of people to save their souls.

The original stories were done by myself and my partner at the time Steve Niles ( author of 30 Days of Night, graphic novel and screen writer etc. etc.) for Steve’s comics publishing enterprise Arcane Comix. I developed the idea into a cartoon while I was working for MTV animation and the Tick animated series.

TV wasn’t ready for her back then, but today with the lax moral standards and demand for visceral and extreme entertainment brought about by cable TV and the internet HER TIME HAS COME!! seriously though, we think you the public is ready for this awesome onslaught of goodness and we want to bring it to you! we hope we have piqued your interest and you will continue to check back for progress towards making this series a reality! See you soon! ( we apologize for the gratuitous overuse of exclamation points in our last paragraph… )

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